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Your dream car is yours!

Car Loan

Your dream car is now within your reach with CAB Auto Loan.

A special program that meets your needs and helps you make your dream car yours!

  • Free credit card for two years.
  • Financing rate up to 100% of the value for new cars and up to 80% for used cars.
  • Financing up to 35,000 JODs.
  • Repayment period up to 7 years for new cars, and 5 years for used cars.
  • Free pre-approved credit card for two years (for new cards).
  • Grace period for 9 months.

Hurry up today to own your dream car!

  • National ID for the borrower, or passport for resident foreigners.
  • Undertake to transfer the salary and receivables.
  • Price quote from the showroom with the car specifications.
  • A statement of the car’s condition and its market value from one of the approved valuers (in cases of used cars only).

* Subject to the campaign’s terms and conditions.

* For more information, please call 1700-701-701.

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